Thursday, April 27, 2006

I Started Dreamin'

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I started Dreamin'...
I Started Dreamin',
Again Begins a new sweet was that sound.

Where does it come from?!
I go near the window...stretched myself looking down.

A light smile over my face,
A feeling of if yesterday i was crowned.

I lift my hands up,
Wanted to play...but no one was found.

Sadly Went back to my bed,
lots to say...but no one was around.

Over my palm i slept,
moistened cheeks...hiding tears that drowned.

Time has flown fast,
Leavin' me one there to surround.

Looking for light,
I walked in the darkness...on that slippery ground.

So many times did i fall,
everytime i did it was all...but from where came that sound?!