My first date...
"Life is strange...isn't it"
you never know,
Anythin' may happen,
so far what looked barren,
you never know,
when it turns green,
n fructify.
And somethin' similar happened,
26th October,
somethin' special,
ya! it was special,
Its been raining hard,
n stopped,
I met,
we shook,
next few moments,
I was silent,
talked my eyes,
I was still,
in motion looked the skies,
I was nervous,
n full of whys.
But it was special,
ya! it was special,
I was with her,
on a beach,
slightly lonely,
so pleasing,
so high,
full moon
so bright,
too dark,
n she,
lookin' cute in her smile.
We walked,
n she talked,
She would stop for a while,
accompanied with my nervous smile.
It was a full moon night,
chill gushy breeze, heavy waves etc
altogether what a beautiful sight.
I couldnt resist,
n clicked a one or two,
Dark it was,
turned out to be very very blue.
We started walking again,
discussing why 'prankul' is my name.
She told me everythin',
from novel she read, to her friend,
I was so happy,
thanked god for the friend he send.
We went for dinner,
thins were busy,
we have to wait,
she read my poems,
and gave me her article,
which unfortunately i couldnt read.
Great was the day,
and so great was the noon.
Great was the walk,
n so Great was the talk.
Great was the night,
n so great was the dinner.
Great was her, my friend,
n so great was my first date.
-Prankul(29th October, 2004)
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