Tuesday, October 05, 2004

New Born Dream...

New Born Dream...

I can forget that night,
which brought an invincible darkness in my life,
shattered lay my goals,
paths all seem to be closed,
i lost even the last hope,
nothin' but just saw an end,
struggled my body half buried in sand,
I felt like screaming,
but the darknes seem too agitating,
I laid unspoken,
felt nomore those pains,
slowly i slept,
dont know when night slipped away,
warm it was day's first ray,
darkness was nomore around,
suddenly i felt the softness,
finding its way through my roughness,
It was a touch that held me back,
accredited me with the love i always lacked,
I could figure someone by my side
who toiled day n night,
to breed new interest in my life,

I cud never forget that day,
that lightened my life,
when i took first steps outside,
with the support that held me from my side,
paths all seem so easy,
My ambitions shot up too high,
Dont know the reason why?
i tried climbing up the sky,
i found myself full of energy,
It was a freshness i never felt,
It was a beginning
It was a "New born Dream..."

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