Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sweetest Gift...

Sweetest Gift...
Sometimes I wonder if you still remember me,
Those pink roses and those lovely orange trees.
We would spend hours gazing at those twinkling stars,
Every moment, wondering, if you'll come with me so far.
Your hair and cheeks all glowing with white,
So beautiful will be our home along the river side.
Those Ripples struggling to reach offshore,
And surprises, every moment knocking at the door.
Moment when you would smile and very next you cry,
You are the god's sweetest gift I got in my life.
21st November, 2006

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I Started Dreamin'

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I started Dreamin'...
I Started Dreamin',
Again Begins a new day...so sweet was that sound.

Where does it come from?!
I go near the window...stretched myself looking down.

A light smile over my face,
A feeling of joy...as if yesterday i was crowned.

I lift my hands up,
Wanted to play...but no one was found.

Sadly Went back to my bed,
lots to say...but no one was around.

Over my palm i slept,
moistened cheeks...hiding tears that drowned.

Time has flown fast,
Leavin' me alone...no one there to surround.

Looking for light,
I walked in the darkness...on that slippery ground.

So many times did i fall,
everytime i did it was all...but from where came that sound?!

Friday, March 10, 2006

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When it hurts...

So many questions today but theres no one to answer,
I been striving hard to know myself as once you were.

More i push myself more it pushes me towards infinity,
How special are these family of humans or its just me?!

I woke up today looking alive with your smile over my face,
I did something wrong maybe different were my ways.

Fear of losing you engraved over my mind,
A crack deep inside which you will never be able to find.

Hurt i did and hurt was i,
Can it ever be same again when fault was mine?!

Time heals but the memories remain,
I look changed but i am still the same.

10th March, 2006